Most Powerful Permutation Invariant Tests for Relatedness Hypotheses Using Genotypic Data Anthony Almudevar Department of Mathematics and Computing Science Saint Mary's University Halifax, N. S., Canada, B3H 3C3, e-mail: Abstract A class of tests for permutation invariant relatedness hypotheses using genotypic data is proposed, which are proven to be of maximum power among permutation invariant tests. These tests lead naturally to "locally most powerful tests", in the sense that power is maximized for alternatives statistically close to a null hypothesis of unrelatedness. Although the resulting statistic is a U-statistic, normal approximation theory is found to be inapplicable, due to high skewness. As an alternative it is found that a conditional procedure based on the most powerful test statistic can calculate accurate significance levels without much loss in power. Examples are given in which this type of test proves to be more powerful than a number of alternatives considered in the literature, including Queller and Goodknight's (1989) estimate of genetic relatedness, the average number of shared alleles (Blouin, 1996) and the number of feasible sibling triples (Almudevar and Field, 1999). Key words: most powerful invariant test, genotypic data, relatedness inference, conditional tests