Title: A Bootstrap Assessment of Variability in Pedigree Reconstruction Based on DNA Markers Author: Anthony Almudevar Abstract: The problem of assessing the variability in pedigree reconstruction using DNA markers is considered for the special case of single generation samples with no parents present in the sample. Error in pedigree reconstruction is measured through a metric imposed on the space of partitions of the individuals into family groups. A confidence set can therefore be taken to be a neighbourhood of a point estimate, analogous to the estimation of a parameter in Euclidean space. The coverage probability is estimated using bootstrap techniques. Although the distributional properties of the sample depend on the population genotype frequencies, these are in practice usually unknown. Confidence sets conditioned on a statistic approximately sufficient for these frequencies are compared to confidence sets obtained by substituting frequency estimates directly into the sampling distribution. In two simulation studies the difference is found to be of some consequence. Key words: pedigree reconstruction, bootstrapping, DNA markers